Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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Acer Aspire One AOA 150

Well, last Sunday I got my Aspire One 150 series notebook, with 120 GB of hard (nice|freaking|cool) drive and an amazing 1 gig of RAM. Now that might be "alright," but lets keep in mind that this is a computer as small as most portable DVD players (and it certainly confuses people as that). I can say this, I had continuously running Windows Explorer, Adobe Fireworks, iTunes, and some other program, yet the computer ran smoothly, for those who know, that is a lot of RAM in used.
Another great thing about this big computer, is its use of 3 USB ports, 2 SD slots, integrated cam (it is better to install a software to use it with than that provided), and a sensitive mic.

However great this computer is, depends on the use. If you are going to use it to edit and edit pictures...well headaches are inevitable due to the small screen, but for blogging, myspace, music, definitely MOVIES, and such, this computer is great.

There is one problem with the fan, after a few days it starts with this really annoying noise, but there is software to slow the fan.
Here's the link for the Acer Aspire One/AA1 FanControl freeware, really great, just remember to turn it off from time to time since it is the fan that keeps the computeri cool, as a precautionary measure.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who has Antispyware 2009 XP?

If you raised your hand, don't even raise that brow, this is serious crap that kept me off my personal computer for about two weeks. All good crap starts with a happy story, I was looking through some albums to download, and bam! Ac/dc new album (Black Ice) magically turned into Antispyware. How convinient I thought. Specially because my screen refreshed itself, some pop ups with interesting adult websites came up, it was just swell. Not to mention the re-directing of websites and blocking task manager. Slower. Pure crap.

I looked around for some free malware software and I found Spybot S&D. I can't really recommend it, because you have to have tried something to be able to critic it. In my case, the Antispyware 2009 XP (remember, the bad guy in this story) kept blocking the internet even if I plugged the computer directly, so the Spybot could not proceed. Either way I don't think it works well, just off the side prejudism.

I was about ready to give up and do some reseting which would kill any information in my computer, from unbacked up pictures and thousands of melancolic songs, to just amazing times recorded in videos, when I came across this software that said it would remove the unwanted Antispyware 2009 XP(again, the bad guy). I tried it in desesperation, and let me tell you something. First, don't do a Full Scan, it will take hours. Do it if you will leave it on overnight. Second, I did the quick scan, and it took nearly an hour or so when it found the crappy crapness that bugged my poor computer and killed it. I still need to do the full scan but it's great to type this blog with my healthy computer.
The program is downloadable here just click the "Download Now" button, install with defaults, and in your desktop you should have a red box with the letter M icon named "MalwareBytes Anti-Malware", double click it. Click the perform quick scan. And "Scan".

Tell me what you think. Thank you.